Blog and News

Spotlight on Chelmsford: How CAS Helps Local Businesses

We’re used to a world where chatting to someone in Australia is as easy as ordering a takeaway from two streets away. But it’s still vital for businesses to know their local area. That’s why we’re starting a new series of ‘Spotlight on’ blogs. In each one, we’ll be focusing on...

Safeguarding Data and Staff: the CAS Promise to our Clients

We know that there’s a lot of responsibility in running an organisation. You have an obligation towards clients and customers, for everything from keeping them safe on your premises to ensuring that their personal information is secure. As an employer, you have to do the same...

High Standards for Document Storage and Management

and don’t just take our word for it…

Affordable Office Supplies to Support Your Business

For many organisations, shopping around for a reliable office supplies and facilities management company has become an onerous task. It’s often highly labour-intensive, but the true costs to the organisation are hidden within budget lines for staff costs. Meanwhile, the costs of...

How Cost-Effective Is Offsite Document Storage?

If your business has a seemingly unending torrent of paper flowing through it, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it isn’t money that makes the world go round! Many organisations struggle with how to store documents, records, and other necessary paperwork in a way that...

4 Key Characteristics To Look For In A Secure Medical Document Storage Company

A high-quality medical document storage system is a must for all healthcare organisations, as inefficiency could threaten patient safety. Prompt access to records is essential for medical practitioners to make informed decisions for their patients, in addition to meeting...

How to Dispose of Data with Secure Document Shredding

In a famous scene in the BBC spy series Spooks, technical analyst Malcolm ingeniously recreates an essential piece of evidence by assembling shredded pieces of paper, like a jigsaw, in no time at all! Fortunately, such moments of brilliance are confined to the fictional...

The 4 Benefits of Scanning Documents for Digitisation

It’s estimated that 20% of UK businesses still rely primarily on paper documents so, if your company is struggling to manage folders or filing cabinets that are bursting at the seams, be reassured that you’re not alone! Digitising your most important documents is a good space...

How to Make a Document Management System for Subject Access Requests

Dealing with subject access and deletion requests can sometimes overwhelm an organisation's capacity, especially if they regularly get these requests from service users, customers, employees, government departments, and the courts. Nowadays, organisations keep huge amounts of...

3 Things Only Experts Know About Document Retention

Effective record retention allows companies to review performance, retrieve vital information, and operate legally under UK and international law. The legal criteria that govern record retention are extensive and detailed, on top of the 'recommended' and internal retention and...

What Is The Record Retention Schedule For UK Universities?

Universities generate invoices, assessments, student records, minutes, and ephemera just as quickly as any other business or charity. Once these assorted documents have served their day-to-day purposes, they become known as records.

How Long Do NHS Records Have To Be Kept For?

If you work in any part of the National Health Service (NHS), you're inevitably going to have to work with paperwork as well as patients. Medical notes, meeting minutes, financial receipts, equipment logs, and visual media (such as X-Ray slides) are all part and parcel of...

Why are Record Retention Schedules Important?

A Record Retention Schedule (RRS) outlines how and where historical records created by a business or organisation should be archived. It explains how long each type of record should be retained for and on what date certain records should be disposed of. Why are Record Retention...

6 Benefits Of Scanning Medical Records

There are multiple benefits from moving medical records from paper to electronic form but it's important to use a reputable scanning company that can give you the security and peace of mind you need. Here's why scanning medical records can help you:

Scan On Demand: Rapid Access To Your Physical Documents

If you have physical files stored in our warehouse, our scan on demand service gives you quick access to your documents on any device, from any location, with a fast two hour turnaround.

Digital Delivery – Access Your Documents Quickly & Securely From Home

We are all trying to collectively adjust to the challenges presented by COVID-19. Harnessing technology will play a key role including virtual tools such as Teams, Slack and Salesforce. However, this can be a real challenge if you require access to physical files that are...

Why Does Offline Medical Record Storage Matter?

Medical healthcare providers and GP practices are increasingly turning from paper storage to digitalisation. This helps to increase efficiency, avoid unnecessary delays, and improve services for patients. However, it isn't always possible or desirable to dispose of paper...

Cost-Effective Document Storage for London Businesses

Whatever the size of your organisation, there’s a lot of uncertainty at the moment. Regardless of the macroeconomic and political situation, much of this unpredictability focuses on rent and overheads. Such considerations have a bearing on your bottom line; and in London,...

Are you doing enough to protect data in your organisation?

Running an organisation comes with a lot of responsibility. From keeping clients and customers safe on your premises to ensuring that their personal information is secure, there are obligations galore. You have to do the same for the staff you employ on a day-to-day basis – and...

Creating a virtual post room with CAS post scanning services

At this time of year, it’s not just Father Christmas who has more post to deal with. And the volume of post in December is a stark reminder that, even in this age of electronic communication, print is still important. It’s true that marketing services rely less on printed...

Local Business Services for Chelmsford and Essex County

For us here at CAS, working with local businesses keeps us in touch with vibrant sectors across the Southeast and East England. Take our Chelmsford business services, for instance. Whatever your Chelmsford business, and whichever sector you’re in, we provide the business...

SME digital storage and data disposal services that are tailored to a small business budget

In our last blog, we looked at document storage and facilities management services for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We know that running an SME in the twenty-first century isn’t all about paper. More than ever, SMEs must be nimble when it comes to digital data...

Storage Solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises

Napoleon reportedly once said dismissively that Britain was a ‘nation of shopkeepers’. Two hundred years later, and – tangentially – that could still be said to be true. The internet revolution has meant that everyone can be a shopkeeper when they sell their stuff online. But on...

Ipswich Businesses Come to CAS for Document Management Services

From storing documents to disposing of them, and from managing facilities to organising office moves, we help businesses to cut costs. Of course, we have ambitions to act globally, and we’ve got many blue-chip, multi-national clients. But it’s always important to focus on...

Can Digital Storage Fuel a Remote Working Revolution?

It’s no exaggeration to say that the 21st century has seen a revolution in the way that the UK works, driven by information technology. Whether they’re working at home or on the go, increasing numbers of workers have the option to work outside an office. Indeed, remote workers...

Regulatorily Compliant Financial Records Storage

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of the financial sector to the UK economy. Almost all of the estimated 53 million adults in the UK are consumers of financial services. The industry is a significant employer too, with some 1.1 million people working in finance....

Why do Cambridge Businesses Use Our Storage Service?

We’re very proud of the value that CAS’s services can offer. And we’re always keen to support local businesses. In this new series of blogs, we’re going to focus on localities across the East of England. First up is one of the most historically important cities in the UK:...

Regulatorily Compliant Data Storage Solutions

In the twenty-first-century business world, it can feel as if data makes the world go round. Capturing data about clients can help organisations to target messages effectively, boosting sales and promoting customer loyalty. And harnessing data about staff can significantly...

Our school document storage service gives school staff one less thing to worry about

The start of a new academic year can be a daunting one for pupils and staff alike. Pupils are focused on making new friends and taking on new subjects, especially if they’re attending a new school. Teachers and support staff have a new timetable to work to and new pupils to work...

Office Removals Provided by Experienced Experts

At this time of year, many offices are emptier than usual as people take their summer holidays. It’s often a good time of year to think about a clear-out of old files. Many organisations will undertake projects to digitise existing files during their quieter summer period. And...

Explore Our Range of Secure Document Storage Boxes

There are few offices which are paper-free in practice. Even if organisations are aiming to cut the clutter to save on rent costs, many employees are wedded to paper. Even if they’re hot-desking, they’ll still want to keep some bits and pieces on site. The upshot is that most...

Your Guide to Safely Disposing of Old IT Equipment

Innovation, relaunches and improved product offerings, are all in a day's work for tech companies. But, when your business invests in new technology, what can you do with outmoded equipment? Moreover, how do you ensure that any data is completely removed before it's jettisoned...

CAS Cloud: Your Digital Document Management Solution

This month we celebrate 50 years since man first walked on the moon. It’s a key event in human history, which showed the power of setting ambitious goals. And it brought together a host of technologies to send people further than anyone had ever been before. But it’s often noted...

University and Education Document Storage Solutions

There are many organisations which have to consider their requirements for document storage. As well as needing regular access to a range of different types of document, these organisations must also take their responsibilities seriously under GDPR. Universities are no exception...

Efficient Document Digitisation with Scan-on-Demand

Many organisations are faced with a daunting project in moving from a paper archive to a more responsive digital storage solution. The task of scanning all those papers is time-consuming – and therefore, expensive. Furthermore, potential clients are often worried they won’t be...

Meeting the challenge of a paperless NHS with CAS

It’s nearly a year since the NHS’s 70th birthday. Just as healthcare has become more complex over seven decades, so has the task of keeping patient records. What people tend to forget is that the NHS has been one of the nation’s most significant data generators, filling...

Your Facilities Management Services Under One Roof

CAS has been well-regarded as a trustworthy document archive storage company for more than 20 years. We’ve developed comprehensive services to safeguard business-critical records, and we are approved by the NHS and the Financial Standards Authority. But we work beyond document...

Data protection and document storage: GDPR one year on

It’s not as if 25 May has etched itself into calendars the way that 25 December has. But on 25 May 2019, it was exactly one year since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force across Europe. In the run-up to GDPR day a year ago, many organisations worked...

Cyber Security Risks: Is Your Business Prepared?

A recent government report showed that fewer UK businesses suffered a cyber security attack in the year to April 2019. According to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport survey, 32% of businesses identified such an attack, down from 43% the year before. Of course,...

Legal sector document storage in the digital age

If there’s one group of organisations that should follow the letter of the law, it’s solicitors. The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Code of Conduct sets out how UK law firms must run their business. This includes a stipulation that firms follow ‘proper governance and...

DBS-Checked and Approved Document Handling Professionals

Here at CAS, we’re more than aware that our clients place a huge amount of trust in us. We have to be able to demonstrate that we provide the highest levels of security for the documents and data which they place with us. One key element in our security processes is in our...

Meet Claire Brooks: A New Addition to CAS Ltd

There’s a new member of the CAS team, and we wanted to shout about it. We’re delighted to welcome Claire Brooks to the company. Formerly of Box-it East, Mrs Brooks is with us in a consultative role. She’ll be managing business development in East England, to expand our document...

Document shredding and box recycling for every organisation

It may be that you have documents which you’re no longer required to hold. Or maybe you’re moving to a system of digitised document archive. Every organisation sometimes needs to get rid of confidential documents securely and safely. Our confidential document shredding and box...

Organise Your Workplace With Professional Document Storage

Professionalise document management in your organisation

Create a dynamic off-site archive with live file storage

For many organisations, deciding on what documents to archive is a headache. We talked in a recent blog about the importance of having a document retention schedule, so that all staff know how long and why to keep records. Of course, there are some documents which only need to...

Sweeping ambition, tight costs: small business services

For many people who start up a small business, the sky might be the limit. But sometimes, reality brings small businesses crashing down to Earth. Whether it’s overrunning overheads or a lack of space for expansion, there can be physical or financial constraints. And in an...

London document storage, something to rely on

Businesses in the UK currently face a lot of uncertainties. Regardless of the macroeconomic and political situation, much of this unpredictability focuses on rent and overheads. Whatever the size of your organisation, such considerations have a bearing on your bottom line. And...

Records Management and Document Retention

It can sometimes be confusing as to how long you’re required to keep documents. There’s a variety of different records governed by a range of separate legislation. You’ve got to know how long your organisation needs to retain an individual file in storage. But you also need to...

GDPR and the Importance of Personal Data Security

The Europe-wide General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in the UK on 25 May 2018. GDPR covers the capture, control and consent to use of personal information. It applies to any company operating in Europe, even if headquartered elsewhere. GDPR recognises how...

Archive storage solutions for every type of business

There comes a time in every organisation’s life when secure document storage becomes a burden. It may be that you’ve been trading for a long period, or that you accumulate vast amounts of client information. When looking to streamline or improve business practices, organisations...

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